Monday, May 14, 2012

Secure SSH, CVS, SCP without Password Prompt

  1. Suppose the domain name of your server is server, and your login name loginname.
  2. On the client, generate a public and private key.

    ssh-keygen -C loginname@server -t dsa
    When asked for a password, simply press return. 
    The private key is stored in ~/.ssh/id_dsa, and the public key in ~/.ssh/
    Never give the private key away! 
  3. Copy the public file to the server with

    scp ~/.ssh/ loginname@server:~/
  4. Login on the server with 

    ssh loginname@server
    append the copied file to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys with
    cat ~/ >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. If you want to enable this features on other servers, just repeat step 3 on each of the servers.

    That’s it! If you have done everything correctly, the next time you 
    login via SSH or use CVS over SSH, you will not need to enter a password
     yet you have a secure connenction.

    In case this does not work check /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/secure for error on server machine. If you see

    Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/dave/.ssh
    This is bcoz of bad permission these can be fixed with below commands.
    chmod g-w /home/your_user
    chmod 700 /home/your_user/.ssh
    chmod 600 /home/your_user/.ssh/authorized_keys

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